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近全新2019 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Les Paul Reissue Lee Roy Parnell

$ 6076.00

2019年Gibson Custom Shop與美國鄉村音樂家Lee Roy Parnell共同發表的1959 Reissue Signature Model,延續2012年經典的Lee Roy Parnell Goldtop,相同的規格,搭配上了特殊的Abilene Sunset Burst配色與特選的虎紋,顏色啟發於Lee Roy Parnell家鄉Abilene的日落,而這是只有這款琴才擁有的特殊配色。桃花心木琴身與琴頸,指板為印度玫瑰木,琴頸規格為Lee Roy Parnell專屬的Custom '59 Profile。在2019年,Gibson Custom加入了多年來研究Collector's Choice與True Historic系列的成果,從3D掃描真正1959元年琴的Top弧度以及琴頸規格、利用化學重建的塑膠料件,當然也包含了近年來一直使用的Hide Glue,搭配上全新的Vintage Tone Circuit與Luxe的手工油紙大黃蜂,這些細節都確實影響了吉他的音色,盡可能接近真正的50年的Les Paul,而經由Plek'd處理,更加精準定位音色,琴格在彈奏上也會更加順手。原廠配置了一組經典的'57 Classic與'57 Classic Plus Pickups,這是一組擁有衝擊力和清晰度的PAF復刻拾音器。全新品為美金$7,499,相當於台幣二十三萬。全新展示琴,唯獨琴頭頂端有一處不明顯的原廠漆面小瑕疵如圖,其餘為全新,Guitar Shop Taiwan團隊提供更超值的售價,想收藏的玩家們把握機會。

售價NT$196,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

2019 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Reissue Lee Roy Parnell Signature. The guitar is in mint condition, all look like new, but here is a small paint touch-up mark on the top of the headstock, which is not very noticeable, as shown in the photo.

Weight: 3.96kg/8.73lb.

Comes with the original Gibson Custom Shop hard case and COA.

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare a low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.

From Gibson:

Lee Roy Parnell's immense talent and soulful approach has made him an icon in the music world, but his discriminating taste and emphasis on tone has made him a legend in the guitar community. His '57 Goldtop signature model from Gibson Custom Shop became an instant classic for this reason, and it continues to be sought-after by collectors and guitarists worldwide. Lee Roy and the talented luthiers at Gibson Custom Shop took notice, and so began the process of creating a new version based on a flametop '59 Burst instead of a '57 Goldtop. The construction elements remain the same, from the contoured cutaway edge to the revised pickup routes, which Lee Roy prefers in order to capture more character from the wood. Each features a hand-picked figured maple top accented by an "Abilene Sunset Fade" burst, inspired by Lee Roy's hometown in Texas. Under the hood, each guitar features a '57 Classic humbucker in the neck, a '57 Classic Plus in the bridge, and the all-new Vintage Tone Circuit which uses paper-in-oil capacitors and vintage taper potentiometers. Every element has been given Lee Roy's seal of approval!