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1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

Guitar Shop Taiwan很高興能和所有熱愛Les Paul的朋友們分享我們新的收藏-1958 Les Paul Standard 8 5386 “Moon Burst”。這支62歲的傳奇吉他同樣由我們的好朋友也是全球知名的Les Paul收藏家Tom Wittrock所擁有超過30年。有別於一般1958 Les Paul Standard當年常見的plain top,Moon Burst擁有了1958當年極度少見有紋路的figured top與褪色不完全的特殊配色,現今翻遍Les Paul圖鑑也很難找到外觀與他相似的1958 Les Paul Standard,Tom Wittrock與全球知名暢銷Les Paul圖鑑-Burst Believers作者之一的David Plues都提到:我沒有看過比Moon Burst更漂亮的1958 Les Paul Standard。而它除了擁有特殊的外觀以外,迷人又大聲的共鳴更是Moon Burst的一大特色。也因如此,Moon Burst相較一般的1958 Les Paul Standard擁有了更高的價值。而非凡的紋路佈滿琴面,與月球表面相似而取名為Moon Burst。

I'm very glad to share this rare 62 years old legend guitar to all Les Paul fans, 1958 Les Paul Standard 8 5386 aka the “Moon Burst”. Moon Burst is different than regular plain top Les Paul standard in 1958. It has a rare figured maple and special faded color on the top like a special surface texture of the moon.

Mason, founder of Guitar Shop Taiwan

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst

1958 Les Paul Standard 8-5386 Moon Burst


9-1228 "SANDY" & 8-5386 "MOON BURST"