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Original 1960 Gibson Les Paul Custom 3-Pickup Black Beauty “Mr.Tornado”

NT$ 92,380.00

1952年Gibson推出第一款Les Paul,兩個P90拾音器與Tailpiece下弦枕設計,並採用全金色烤漆的"Goldtop"。而1953年末,Les Paul本人推出了自己理想中更豪華、更優雅的黑色吉他,他希望這款琴看起來像燕尾服,於是綽號"黑美人"的Les Paul Custom誕生了。1953年的Les Paul Custom搭載著P90與新設計的Staple拾音器,同樣採用桃花心木琴身和琴頸,但不同的是指板為黑檀木並鑲嵌著珍珠貝Inlay、全鍍金配件,而琴頭上的Split Diamond鑲貝更顯現著它是Gibson系列中的頂級產品,而Fret也從原本的中型、大型改為了較細且較平坦的樣式。而到了1957年中期,Gibson推出了由Seth Lover設計的新型PAF雙線圈拾音器,也就是之後常見的Humbucker,並首次搭配在Les Paul Custom上,大部分為三個一組,少部分為兩個,有別於1957年前的P90拾音器,PAF雙線圈拾音器的出力更大,曲風也更寬闊,而Gibson最廣為人知的經典雙線圈Les Paul吉他也於這年開始風靡搖滾界。

這是一支不可思議又具有歷史意義的正1960年Les Paul Custom元年琴,在吉他歷史上擁有崇高的地位,琴盒打開的那瞬間,元年琴獨特且濃烈的木頭香味撲鼻而來,高齡62歲的Black Beauty黑美人,又稱「龍捲風」。它與Jimmy Page手中的1960 Les Paul Custom同年生產,原主人是英國老樂團The Tornadoes創始成員Edward Ames於1963年在當時倫敦市中心的知名樂器行Lew Davis購買。音色無可挑惕也無可取代,存放60年以上的桃花心木導致元年琴特有的乾爽、空靈音色,與其琴身完美的共振,一直Gibson無法透過拾音器、線路等方式完全複製的。整把琴保存狀況極佳,從1960年代至今完全原裝,三顆原始的PAF拾音器、原始的電路、焊點、螺絲零件,甚至連Frets、Nut都沒有更換過,包括了Edward Ames在1963年5月15號當天的購買證明、付款明細、Lew Davis銷售紀錄、手寫資料、琴弦等。以普遍60年以上的元年琴來說,整體狀況高達九成新,琴身上沒有元年琴常見漆面剝落與大面積裂痕,只有零星正常使用痕跡與傷痕,零件的鍍金層也還保留著,原始Frets更是保留了六成新在依然可彈奏的狀態,並可以在琴身上見識到令人玩味的五六零年代Gibson手工製琴工藝。目前全世界幾乎不太可能找到如此狀況且配件資料齊全的元年琴,整把琴只能用不可思議來形容。在這持續通膨的世代,收藏古董元年琴真的是最好的投資選擇,這兩年元年琴市場至少漲了30至50%,且持續上漲中,有興趣的收藏家們把握機會。

售價NT$2,980,000,附原始英國經銷商Case、原始文件、配件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

Here is an incredible original 1960 Gibson Les Paul Custom 3-Pickup Black Beauty named "Mr. Tornado," which originally belonged to Edward Ames of the band The Tornadoes. Edward purchased this guitar in 1963 from Lew Davis Musical Instruments in London, and it has remained fully original since its creation in 1960, including the original PAFs, solder, screws, pots, and even the frets and nut. When you open the case, you can smell the unique scents of wood that come from the 1960s.

Unlike other Les Paul Custom, the 1960s Custom has low and flat frets, earning it the nickname "The Fretless Wonder." This guitar is in incredible condition, with dings and scratches that only add to its vintage charm. It's hard to believe that this guitar is 62 years old. The frets are in about 70% condition, with some minor buzz due to their originality, but this should not affect playability. The sound is similar to our original Les Paul Burst guitar collections, this special sound is from over 60-year-old mahogany wood, is incredibly dry and unique. Many players refer to the sound of 1950s Les Pauls as "Mojo."
The guitar has not been refinished and has no neck cracks or repairs. There are original Bigsby installed holes on the bottom of the body.

Comes with an original British dealer case, the original British dealer fitted Bigsby, the original payment document, sales record from Lew Davis, handwritten notes, strings, and even the receipt from May 15, 1963, when Edward Ames bought it.

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare alow value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.