全球限量2017 Gibson Custom Shop Slash 1958 Les Paul Reissue “First Standard” #8 3096 Replica Aged
Gibson於1958年在博覽會上首次展出了兩支擁有楓木貼面與Cherry Burst配色的全新Les Paul,其序號為#8 3096與#8 3087,並將其命名為"Les Paul Standard"。直至現今,1950年代Les Paul Standard的造型與規格成為了吉他歷史上不可獲缺的經典。而其中序號#8 3096的Les Paul Standard為Slash本人從80年代一直保留到至今的珍藏,直到2016年左右才證實這把吉他是當年改變吉他歷史的首款Les Paul Standard其中一支。
全球限量100支,基於當年Gibson產線中等級最高的True Historic規格生產,使用最頂級的木料與全新改良的色漆、黏膠、配件等,所有規格都忠於50年代Les Paul,原廠定義 True Historic 為接近完美的 Gibson復刻琴。而"First Standard"也是眾多收藏家們公認Slash一系列復刻琴中音色最好的一款。原廠採用3D掃描技術,完整複製原琴的傷痕位置,而True Historic系列的舊化也比起以往更加精細,從Pickup Cover、Tuners、Jack Plate,所有的生鏽泛黃和使用痕跡,小到連原琴更換過的螺絲都加以復刻,這些更細膩的復刻技術也讓這支吉他的細節都盡可能接近原琴。
特選桃花心木琴身、琴頸,搭配玫瑰木指板,琴頸為特規'58 C-Shape Profile。原廠搭載一組依據原琴PAF數據所設計的Gibson Custom Bucker拾音器,加上3.9公斤的完美重量,前段音色顆粒飽滿,後段出力大,擁有著濃厚且帶有粘膩的獨特鼻音。
近全新收藏品。Slash 1958 Les Paul Reissue “First Standard” #8 3096 Replica是Gibson一系列復刻琴中非常經典又受歡迎的頂尖琴款,在市場上能見度低,保值性相當高,證書上也有著Slash的親筆簽名,對於收藏家與玩家而言極具收藏價值。
售價NT$788,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。
2017 Gibson Custom Shop Slash 1958 Les Paul Reissue “First Standard” #8 3096 Replica Aged. Gibson produced only 100 in 2017. It sounds vintage, has a dry, transparent tone with excellent resonance. The guitar is a collectible item and is in mint condition.
Weight: 3.96kg/8.73lb.
Comes with the original Gibson Custom Shop hard case, COA and original paperwork.
The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare a low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.
From Gibson:
The original Les Paul Model featured a gold finish from its introduction in 1952 until it received a new cherry sunburst in 1958 along with a new name, "Les Paul Standard." It debuted at the July 1958 Music Industry Trade Show in Chicago but it didn't catch on until its beautiful appearance and resonant properties inspired the likes of Keith Richards, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Mike Bloomfield, Duane Allman, Peter Green, Joe Walsh, Joe Perry -- and eventually Slash -- to perform with one. And although Slash uses his beat-up 1958 Les Paul Standard regularly in the studio, he didn't know until a recent discovery that it was a hugely important piece of guitar history. Shipping records confirm that Slash's guitar (serial #8 3096) was actually sent to that historic 1958 Music Industry Trade Show as one of the first two sunburst Les Pauls ever made and the first ever to feature a two-piece center-seamed maple top, a key feature of the Les Paul Standard. That makes Slash's guitar the first production Les Paul Standard model!
So, this year Gibson Custom and Slash set out to capture the magic, vibe and history of #8-3096 for a special run of replicas. It was perhaps the most advantageous and laborious guitar recreation project Custom Shop has ever undertaken given the extreme finish checking, wear and corrosion of the original, not to mention the exact replication of the neck dimensions, colors and construction. The resulting prototype was sent to Slash and his reaction made all the painstaking work worth it: "Mind-blowing. I couldn't have possibly wanted anything more." Now is your chance to own this instantly-collectible, playable work of art which pays homage to both a legendary player and legendary Gibson model -- a perfect replica of Slash's First Standard.