限定版2004 Gibson ES-335 Block Reissue Yamano Limited Edition-Vintage Iced Tea Burst
2004年製,美國特別製作給當時日本總代理山野樂器的日本限定版,整把琴外觀以Larry Carlton的1963 ES-335為基底,擁有同時期普通版本ES-335所沒有的Vintage Iced Tea Burst配色,加上經典但並不多見的Block Inlay。Gibson最經典的半空心吉他ES-335,1958年Gibson推出第一款半空心電吉他,在這六十幾年來廣受樂手們歡迎,直到現在ES-335都是吉他界中非常經典的型號之一。楓木琴身、玫瑰木指板、60s Slim Taper Neck的桃花心木琴頸,手感非常舒適,原廠配置一組57 Classic Pickups拾音器,擁有濃厚復古的音色,非常適合Jazz與Blues,當然,ES-335的搖滾曲風完全不輸實心電吉他,音色上擁有更強大的共鳴。整體九成五新,除了琴頭頂端一處不明顯的小敲痕與底部背帶釘附近有些微掉漆以外,其餘狀況保存的非常新,Fret也幾乎沒有使用痕跡,完全看不出來是18年的琴。
售價NT$89,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。
2004 Gibson ES-335 Block Reissue Yamano Limited Edition-Vintage Iced Tea Burst. This guitar was made as a special edition for Japan market, Yamano music. It has a Larry Carlton's 1963 ES-335 vintage iced tea burst special finish and block inlay. The guitar is in excellent condition, only has a little ding on the top of the headstock, and a chip on the strap button, details in the pictures, all look very clean and it has no wear on the frets.
Comes with the original Gibson case and paperwork.
The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.