夢幻逸品2009 PRS Modern Eagle II Faded Blue Jean
Modern Eagle是PRS產線上評價相當高的一款高級系列,幾乎是沒有缺陷的一把琴,結合了最頂級的Private Stock與PRS累積多年琴款設計的優點,包括了High Gloss Nitro Finish的漆面處理。從5A等級的嚴選紋路、會因為時間而慢慢退色的Faded Blue Jean配色、彩色鮑貝鑲嵌的Bird Inlays、特有的Modern Eeagle Head Stock Inlay、Paisley Hard Case等都顯現出Modern Eagle和一般PRS不同的華麗之處。25”scale的Neck尺寸介於Gibson與Fender之間,加上無上漆的Dalbergia Rosewood Neck讓彈奏更加得舒適、順手。拾音器更換為PRS原廠M系列,音色出力大,更乾淨,低頻更厚實。整體九成新,些許使用痕跡與小敲傷,整體狀況相當不錯。全新品當年約台幣二十四萬,目前普通的Custom售價已經高達台幣十四萬,考慮購買全新的Custom不妨可考慮等級更高、更完美的Modern Eagle系列。Guitar Shop團隊更嚴格挑選的品質,更划算的價格,有興趣的買家把握機會。
售價NT$128,000,附PRS原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,一年保固與免費保養,歡迎刷卡、分期付款。
2009 PRS Modern Eagle II Faded Blue Jean. Glossnitro finish, wide-fat neck, 25" scale length, Dalbergia rosewood neck, upgraded to PRS "M" humbuckerpickups (PRS M pickups incorporate ceramic magnets, full, crystalline cleans, deliciously fat, snarling, aggressive tone with crisp note articulation). Guitar is in 9/10 as very good condition, has some littledings and scratches, but looks clean, and it has no visible fret wear, detail in the pictures.
Come with original PRS Paisley hard case and COA.