限量版2010 Epiphone Slash Les Paul AFD Appetite for Destruction
NT$ 923.80
2010年全球限量3000支,由Epiphone Custom Shop製作的高等級Signature系列。原廠在這款琴上用了3A等級的虎紋楓木,非常漂亮,此系列和Gibson Slash一樣配置Seymour Duncan Slash Alnico II Pro拾音器,音色飽滿、出力大,桃花心木琴身,琴頸尺寸為Slash D-profile。整體九成五新,除了如圖些許小敲痕以外其餘狀況近新,保持的相當好。此款琴在市場上已經相當少見也相當保值,Guitar Shop團隊更嚴格挑選的品質,有興趣的買家把握機會。
售價NT$29,800,附Epiphone原廠Slash簽名Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,一年保固與免費保養,歡迎刷卡、分期付款。
2010 Epiphone Slash Les Paul AFD Appetite for Destruction, Rare! Limited of 3000, with AAA flame maple, Seymour Duncan Slash Alnico II Pro Humbucker. Guitar is in 9.5/10 as excellent condition, has some very little dings but looks clean and like new, detail in the photos.
Come with original Epiphone Slash hard case and original paper works.