全球限量2013 Gibson Custom Shop Collector's Choice CC#13 1959 Les Paul “The Spoonful Burst” Tom Murphy Aged
Collector's Choice是2010年Gibson推出的收藏家系列,當年原廠號稱這是地球上最接近真正元年Gibson且最頂級的復刻系列,復刻依然存在於收藏家或玩家手中知名度較高或較特別的50-60年代Les Paul。而用料與音色都經過嚴格檢驗,原廠採用3D掃描技術,完整複製原琴的所有規格細節與使用痕跡,而CC也是Gibson所有量產琴中最具有收藏性的系列之一。
CC#13 "The Spoonful Burst"是Gibson於2013年發表的限量CC系列,全球限量300支,復刻於美國音樂家Gordon Kennedy手中編號9-1352的1959 Les Paul Standard。Bridge Volume與Tone Knob之間有著類似爪痕是The Spoonful Burst最大的識別痕跡,而Tom Murphy也在Volume Knob下方留下了"TM"縮寫的刻痕以證明此舊化由他本人製作。整個CC系列只有三款是由Gibson傳奇技師Tom Murphy本人親手操刀,分別為CC#1、CC#2與CC#13,非常難得。
CC#13的外觀配色與音色都很非常接近Vintage 50s Les Paul,Dirty Lemon的經典褪色黃漸層中帶點綠色,呈現出的「舊感」非常自然。重量也是完美的3.88公斤,音色乾爽、通透,整體復古是CC#13最大的特色。特選的桃花心木琴身、複製"The Spoonful Burst" Neck Profile的琴頸,搭配玫瑰木指板,原廠搭載一組依據原琴PAF數據所設計的Gibson Custom Bucker拾音器。
Collector's Choice系列一直以來都是保值、增值的象徵,也是多數Gibson收藏家們夢寐以求收藏的系列,而近年來所有的CC全部皆已上漲,尤其是極少數由Tom Murphy本人親手操刀的CC#13,相較其他款CC更具有收藏價值。整體九成新,證書配件齊全,有興趣的玩家們把握收藏機會。
售價NT$388,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。
2013 Gibson Custom Shop Collector's Choice CC#13 1959 Les Paul "The Spoonful Burst". Aged by Tom Murphy. Gibson produced only 300 in 2013. The guitar is in excellent condition.
Weight: 3.88kg/8.55lb.
Comes with the original Gibson Custom Shop hard case, COA and original paperwork.
From Gibson Custom:
Gibson Custom’s Collector’s Choice™ series provides players with the opportunity to experience the precise look, feel and tone of some of the rarest guitars in history. When Gordon Kennedy acquired his 1959 Les Paul in 1993, he was fully aware of the guitar’s deep history, its contribution to popular music, and ownership by a cultural icon. This Les Paul—recreated here as Collector’s Choice #13 1959 Les Paul # 9-1352 aka “The Spoonful Burst”—was the sole guitar that had accompanied the musical journey of John Sebastian, best known for a brilliant and colorful career as frontman of The Lovin’ Spoonful. In his hands it had helped to create a string of hits such as “Do You Believe In Magic,” “Nashville Cats,” and “Welcome Back,” the theme song to the hit ’70s TV show Welcome Back Kotter. One of the things that makes Collector’s Choice #13 “The Spoonful Burst” truly special is the way in which Gibson Custom recreates distinctive elements of its specific wear, tone, look and feel, rendering a detail-perfect instrument that comes as close as is humanly possible to an original vintage Les Paul. Unique details include its unusually balanced front and rear pickups, substantial neck profile, significant wear from a long career of heavy use by John Sebastian, and its beautifully faded Dirty Lemon burst finish. There’s no better tribute to one of America’s most accomplished artists. Read the entire story behind this guitar below. Check out the spec list and images as well!