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全球限量Gibson Custom Shop 50th Anniversary 1959 Reissue R9 Scotch Burst, 1 of 59

$ 5208.00

2009年全球限量59支,Gibson五十週年紀念版1959 Reissue,AAAA等級的虎紋Top,非常漂亮。五十週年和以往的1959 Reissue不同之處在於透過精確測量1959 Les Paul後所製造,更精確的指版厚度與控制鈕挖孔位置、琴頸形狀的修正,Heel 2.0mm的些微差異,邊緣處理也比以往更圓潤,使整體手感與音色更能接近當年的'59 Les Paul。原廠於2009年推出,並號稱此五十週年紀念款規格完美,最接近真正的1959 Les Paul。一整塊桃花心木琴身、玫瑰木指版。原廠配置Gibson Burstbucker拾音器。收藏琴等級,邊緣有一處不明顯小刮痕,其餘沒有明顯使用痕跡,整體近全新。Reissue系列不管是音色或是細節都是普通的Gibson無法比擬的,收藏價值非常高,五十週年紀念版台灣新品售價約二十六萬。Guitar Shop團隊更嚴格挑選的品質,更划算的價格,有興趣的買家把握機會。

售價NT$168,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款。

2009 Gibson Custom Shop 50th Anniversary 1959 Reissue R9 Scotch Burst, Limited run of 59. Guitar is in excellent condition, very clean, looks like new. 

Come with original Gibson Custom Shop hard case, original paperwork and COA.

Created after precise measurement of original vintage Les Pauls, this model incorporates a stunning amount of period-correct detail that combines to make the Custom Shop 1959 Les Paul Standard look, feel, and sound like the real thing. In addition to several obvious features such as its one-piece mahogany neck with long tenon, BurstBucker PAF reproduction pickups, solid non-weight relieved mahogany back, and accurate rounded ’59 neck profile, other subtle but important nuances take this guitar’s accuracy even further. These include its historically accurate thin fingerboard binding that’s only .040-inch thick (which contributes greatly to the comfortable, vintage-feeling, “rolled” fingerboard edges), historically accurate 1/2-inch wire channel from toggle switch to control pocket, accurately sized back control pocket route, correct height of the binding in the cutaway, 5/8-inch heel with accurate heel shape, period-correct carved arch on the guitar’s maple top, correctly tapered headstock with tuner holes in a straight line (rather than following the headstock edge), and much, much more.