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1995 Ibanez John Petrucci Signature Model JPM100 P1

NT$ 4,216.00

JPM100是Ibanez於1995年與Dream Theatre夢劇場吉他手John Petrucci共同推出的第一款簽名琴,這是1995年的第一批JPM100 P1,具有極高的紀念價值。以鮮豔醒目的畢卡索色塊為基底設計組成的琴面,JPM一系列共有五種不同配色,全系列於1999年全數停產,其中P1只生產於1995至1997年,停產後Ibanez就無推出任何John Petrucci代言琴。琴身為Basswood、JPM Neck Profile楓木琴頸搭配玫瑰木指板、Lo-Pro Edge搖座,前段拾音器配置DiMarzio Air Norton,後段為DiMarzio Steve's Special。收藏品項,整體九成五新,琴背邊緣有一處不明顯的小敲痕如圖,其餘狀況非常好,整支琴相當乾淨,少有黑色烤漆的琴身可以保存得這麼完美,Frets沒有任何磨損痕跡,琴面烤漆色塊與當年出廠一樣鮮豔,沒有任何褪色痕跡,以27年的老琴來說,可以用不可思議形容,琴背的Tremolo Cover遺失。JPM P1在市場上非常少見,而其中狀況好的更是少之又少,是許多收藏家追求的夢幻逸品,具有極高的收藏價值。

售價NT$136,000,附Case(非原廠)、配件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款(刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

Rare 1995 Ibanez John Petrucci Signature Model JPM100 P1 First Year! This is a great guitar from the golden Ibanez years. The guitar is in very clean condition and only has a little scratch on the edge of the back, (please see the pictures). It has no other obvious dings, cracks or chips, no frets wear, no color fading, all look like new.

Weight: 3.47kg/7.56lb

Comes with the hardshell case (not original), No COA, and the tremolo cover is lost

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.