嚴選美品2004 Gibson Les Paul Classic Honey Burst
NT$ 1,550.00
2004年Classic,桃花心木琴身與琴頸,60's Neck Profile偏薄的琴頸,相當適合東方人,原廠配置一組496R/500T拾音器,音色出力大,曲風廣。整體九成五新,狀況非常好,正常使用痕跡與兩處不明顯的小敲傷,以年份來說狀況保存得相當好,非常難得,早期Gibson在市場上保值性相當高。Guitar Shop團隊更嚴格挑選的品質,更划算的價格,有興趣的買家把握機會。
售價NT$50,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,一年保固與免費保養,歡迎刷卡、分期付款。
2004 Gibson Les Paul Classic Honey Burst. Guitar is in very good condition, has some little dings and little scratches, but looks clean, detail in the pictures.
Come with original Gibson hard case, checklist.
US$ 2,200 include shipping and insurance, ship via EMS, accept the bank wire or Paypal as the payment method.