近全新2005 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Reissue R9 Iced Tea Gloss
2005年製Gloss版本,經典的Iced Tea配上漂亮的3A虎紋。桃花心木琴身、玫瑰木指版,琴頸為'59 Neck Profile,握起來相當舒適,全琴無改,原廠配置一組Gibson BurstBucker拾音器。除了琴身後方邊緣處有漆面小敲痕以外,其餘狀況近全新。除了大張證書外,其餘文件皆在,也附有原廠帶有序號的Checklist為證,反映在價格上。R9不管是音色或是細節都是普通的Gibson無法比擬的,且保值性與收藏價值甚高,全新售價超過台幣二十萬,有興趣的買家把握機會。
售價NT$128,000,附Gibson原廠Case、文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款。
2005 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Reissue R9 Iced Tea Gloss with AAA beautiful flame top. Guitar is in excellent condition, very clean and looks new, just has one very little ding on the back of body, details in the photos. The certificate of authenticity has been lost but it has all paperwork and checklist with the serial number.
Comes with the original Gibson Custom Shop hard case, original paperwork, no COA included.