2013 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Collector's Choice #16 CC#16 "Redeye" Aged
Collector's Choice是原廠號稱地球上最接近真正元年Gibson的系列,將依然存在於收藏家手中的50-60年代Les Paul包括外觀、傷痕、音色、規格等完整復刻。CC琴款是多數Gibson收藏家們最夢寐以求收藏的型號,也是Gibson最頂級的復刻系列,用料與音色都經過嚴格檢驗,從使用痕跡、傷痕與木材和拾音器等都完全複製,音色可說是完全沒有缺陷,也是Gibson量產琴中收藏性最高的系列之一。
CC#16 "Redeye"是Gibson Custom於2013年發表的限量CC系列,全球限量300支,復刻於已故Lynyrd Skynyrd的吉他手Ed King所擁有編號9-08919的1959 Les Paul Standard。"Redeye"原琴是一支少數紋路相當漂亮的1959 Les Paul Standard ,而取名"Redeye"則是因為在琴身的Switch下方與Volume Knob附近有著兩個因為當年原廠吊牌遮蔽而未褪色紅漆,保留了原本Cherry Burst的顏色,而這兩個紅點成為了此琴的經典特徵,在眾多的元年Burst中一眼就能認出。除了手工挑選出與原琴相似的虎紋楓木Top,搭配上3.75kg琴重,這是相當少見的輕量桃花心木,也是最接近Vintage Les Paul音色的完美重量。原廠採用3D儀器掃描,完整複製了原琴的所有規格、配色、零件與使用傷痕,讓整體細節都盡可能接近原琴。原廠配置一組Custom Bucker拾音器,這組特製的拾音器能讓音色更接近原琴上的PAF。CC系列一直以來都是保值、增值的象徵,而Ed King於2018年離世後使本身在市場上就不多見的CC#16更加稀有、更加的有價值。整體九成五新,配件齊全,有興趣的玩家們把握收藏機會。
售價NT$250,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款。
2013 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Collector's Choice #16 CC#16 "Redeye" Aged. Limited run of 300. The guitar is in excellent condition, fret is in 90% condition.
Weight: 3.75kg/8.27lb.
Comes with the original Gibson Custom Shop hard case, original paperwork and COA.
From Gibson:
Gibson Custom’s Collector’s Choice™ series provides players with the opportunity to experience the precise look, feel and tone of some of the rarest guitars in history, through unrestricted hands-on access to specific vintage Les Pauls in some of the world’s top collections. Collector’s Choice™ #16, 1959 Les Paul #9-0891 aka “Redeye” is the long-time sidekick of Ed King, co-writer of the southern-rock classic “Sweet Home Alabama,” and has been played on countless gigs and recording sessions through Ed’s work with Lynyrd Skynyrd and Strawberry Alarm Clock. The total realization of this detailed reproduction entails hand selected figured maple to match the stellar look of the top on the original guitar, and a “Dirty Lemon” burst faded to accurately match Ed’s Les Paul, right down to the subtle traces of red in key areas where it was unevenly exposed to UV light over the years. Among other distinct details included are a rounded ’59 neck profile that has been scanned and duplicated for an exact match; the precise top carve, along with precise renditions of every critical angle and curve; and a pair of Gibson’s finest PAF reproductions, designed, engineered, and built based on extensive testing of the originals, to capture that essential burst tone. It all comes together in a guitar that presents a rare opportunity for the Les Paul player or collector, and will only be produced in a very limited run of up to 300 hand-aged and meticulously crafted instruments.