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全新2013 PRS 513 Brazilian Rosewood Blue Fade Quilt Top Artist Package 美國境內限定版

NT$ 4,278.00

2013年製,美國境內限定販售的巴西玫瑰木Artist Package版本,5A的雲狀楓木,配上非常漂亮也少見的Blue Fade海洋漸層配色,而這款並非市面上常規的513,而是等級更高的Artist Package版本,特選的雲狀楓木、彩色鮑貝Inlay、金色配件、Artist Package版本琴盒等,皆與普通的513不同。以完美音色出名的PRS不只音色上出眾,外觀也相當華麗,全新的V12漆面不僅能夠更加提升漆面透亮度,且漆面也比起以往更薄更堅硬,更不妨礙木頭自然的共鳴。513為PRS系列中功能性最強大的琴款之一,而名為513代表三組513 Patented Pickups共五顆拾音器配置能透過Volume/Tone Control與兩組Blade Switches調出十三種完全不同的音色,從脆亮的單線圈音色到厚實的雙線圈破音都能勝任。琴身與琴頸為桃花心木加上巴西玫瑰木指板,紋路相當漂亮,巴西玫瑰木因禁採令而導致在市場上相當稀有。琴頸規格為Pattern Regular,握起來相當舒適。全新收藏品,配件齊全。

售價NT$138,000,附PRS原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,一年保固與免費保養,歡迎刷卡、分期付款。

2013 PRS 513 Brazilian Rosewood Blue Fade Quilt Top Artist Package. Rare blue fade finish, gold hardware, abalone inlay, artist hard case. It has a beautiful brazilian rosewood fingerboard that is a special ediotion, custom build for USA only. Guitar is in 9.5/10 as excellent condition, very clean, looks like new!

513 stands for 5 pickups and 13 sounds, achieved with an easy to use integrated electronics control package, which includes volume control, tone control and two blade switches. One blade switch is a 5-way pickup selector, and the other is a 3-way mode switch that allows you to select between the singlecoil, clear humbucking and heavy humbucking modes. One of PRS' most versatile instruments, the 513 now comes standard with a maple top, V12 finish.

Comes with original PRS Hard Case and COA.