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2018 Ibanez Joe Satriani JS1CR30 Chrome Boy 30th Anniversary Limited Edition

NT$ 5,580.00

全球限量200支,Ibanez於2018年推出的Joe Satriani Signature三十週年紀念琴Joe Satriani Signature - Chrome Boy。由FujiGen在日本生產,做工細節非常完美,品質相當高,和早期的Chrome Boy系列相同,整支琴面採用鏡面鍍鉻處理,完全無死角的反射,在舞台上非常耀眼。JS1CR30是繼1990年JS2、1998年的JS10th和2005年JS2二代之後,第四次嘗試鍍鉻琴面的吉他。Satriani一直想要這樣的吉他,但因為琴身邊緣的特殊曲線,導致製造這種特殊鍍鉻琴款已經成為一種挑戰。Frets邊緣Ibanez採用了高階Prestige的處理方式,讓邊緣更加平滑,彈奏起來更加順手。原廠搭配拾音器為DiMarzio Satchur8 Joe Satriani Signature Pickups,音色清晰,擁有更多的高頻。在Volume Control上搭載了High Pass Filter Switch,這個特殊的濾波器可以讓玩家降低音量時能夠保持音頻,不會改變原本的音色。此外,原廠在這款琴上配置了Sustainiac無限延音系統,加上穩定性極高的Edge Tremolo大搖座系統,讓整體音色添加了可玩性。2018年的限量的JS1CR30與2019年量產版本的JS1CR不同處在於琴背有著三十週年紀念版的電路室蓋。全新收藏琴,唯獨琴頭的鏡面上有兩道換弦導致的輕微刮痕,其餘為全新。

售價NT$180,000,附Ibanez原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

Limited run of 200. During our long partnership with Joe Satriani, Ibanez has released countless JS signature models. Some of the most sought after JS models have been the elusive Chrome-finished JS guitars. Although immensely popular, the process to plate the 3-D curved body has been difficult to achieve at a manufacturing level. That is, until now. Taking the opportunity to celebrate our 30-year relationship with Joe, Ibanez is pleased to announce the JS1CR. The latest and greatest Chrome JS will be available in 2018. Each JS1CR produced in 2018 will come with a limited edition JS1CR30 commemorative back plate.

Guitar is in excellent condition, it looks like new, only has two little scratches on the headstock, details in the photos.

Comes with the original Ibanez hard case, COA, paperwork.