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2019 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Les Paul Reissue 60th Anniversary Japan Hand Selected-Orange Sunburst

$ 5580.00

2019年底Gibson Custom全新推出的六十週年紀念版,配色為Orange Sunburst ,並有著至少4A等級的緊湊虎紋,每個角度看都非常漂亮,相當難得。而Hand-Selected是日本限定版手選版,這是由日本經銷商團隊前往Gibson位於美國Nashville的Custom Shop工廠進行紋路、木材重量、配色等挑選製作,所以音色與外觀也擁有更高的水準,全新售價也會來得比同型號更高,並附上Hand-Selected特別證書。

這款六十週年紀念版Les Paul Reissue是被原廠譽為Gibson最好、最復古的Les Paul Standard Reissue,且在市場上的評價相當高。搭配3.8kg的1-Piece Lightweight Mahogany輕量桃花心木,這是Reissue琴款中非常少見且接近Vintage Les Paul音色的完美重量。改版後的復刻系列加入了多年來Collector's Choice與True Historic頂規系列的研究成果,從全新的色漆、3D掃描的Top弧度、更精確的琴頸規格、化學重建的塑膠料件,當然也包含了近年來一直使用的Hide Glue。桃花心木琴身、Indian Rosewood指板,琴頸規格為1959 Neck Profile,除了全新升級的復古線路以外,原廠配置美國Luxe製作的Bumblebee大黃蜂油質電容,一組Custombucker Alnico III拾音器,而這組拾音器為Unpotted沒有浸蠟處理過,更加接近經典PAF的音色元素,中高低頻相當平衡,豐富乾淨又俐落。VOS版本為Vintage Original Spec,漆面輕微霧化無拋光,金屬與塑膠零件會有著輕微舊化,更加的復古。

整體九成五新,除了如圖有幾處不明顯的小敲痕與使用痕跡以外,Fret沒有磨損痕跡,狀況相當不錯。目前全新的普通版本1959 Les Paul Reissue價格已突破台幣二十萬,而中古的價格也持續上漲中,Hand-Selected日本限定手選版在市場更是搶手貨。一直以來,擁有漂亮紋路的R9在市場上就是保值的象徵,有興趣收藏的玩家們把握機會。

售價NT$180,000,附Gibson原廠Case、60週年紀念證書、Hand Selected特別證書與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

2019 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Les Paul Reissue 60th Anniversary VOS, Japan Hand Selected-Orange Sunburst with AAAA Killer Top. This is a very special version for Japan market. Hand selected a stunning flame top, lightweight body by Japan dealers at Gibson custom factory in Nashville. It comes with the original Gibson custombucker Alnico III unpotted pickups, Luxe bumblebee caps, '59 neck profile with Indian rosewood fretboard. The guitar is in very good condition, has some dings and light scratches on the back of body , details in the pictures, no fret wear.

Weight: 3.8kg/8.38.lb

Comes with the original Gibson hard case, COA, Hand-selected list and paperwork.

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.