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全新2019 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Les Paul Reissue Painted by Tom Murphy with AAAAA Killer Top

NT$ 9,920.00

這是由Gibson傳奇技師Tom Murphy於2019年推出的Murphy Sunburst Painted限定版,這批限定版除了由Tom Murphy本人上色以外,還由他本人挑選琴面木料,嚴選至少5A等級的超級虎紋,每個角度看都非常立體,非常浮誇。Tom Murphy是Gibson工廠內的資深技師,並在90年初期就致力於Les Paul的復刻研究,Tom Murphy除了最為人知的舊化技術以外,其實他最擅長與專精的是噴漆工藝, 像是1994年初期由他本人上色的1959 Les Paul Standard,這些少量由他上色的琴款因為太過特殊所以目前在市面上都是天價,他巧妙且精湛的噴塗技術,能使吉他看起來自然且更加出色,呈現出來的復古氛圍是其他Custom工廠技師所無法比擬的。

整體規格延續2018年最新改版後的True Historic復刻系列,加入了多年來Collector's Choice與True Historic頂規系列的研究成果,從全新的色漆、3D掃描的Top弧度、更精確的琴頸規格、化學重建的塑膠料件,當然也包含了近年來一直使用的Hide Glue。桃花心木琴身、Indian Rosewood指板,琴頸規格為’50s Rounded Tom Murphy "C" Neck Shape,一組Custombucker拾音器。VOS版本為Vintage Original Spec,漆面輕微霧化無拋光,金屬與塑膠零件會有著輕微舊化,更加的復古。

收藏品項,整體幾乎全新。目前市場上只要由Tom Murphy本人經手製作的琴款不論是售價或是收藏價值都相當高,同款目前在日本的中古售價格都是超過台幣40萬起跳,2022年最新版同樣由Tom Murphy本人上色的1959 Murphy Lab Wildwood Spec Murphy Painted限定版,全新單價也高達美金$11,099。超級虎紋加上Tom Murphy親自上色的1959 Les Paul Reissue絕對是保值的象徵,把握收藏機會。

售價NT$320,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書配件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款(刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

2019 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Les Paul Standard Painted by Tom Murphy VOS-Sunburst. The legendary master of Gibson custom. It has a great vintage look. The guitar comes with a real AAAAA killer top hand selected by Murphy. The true historic spec with the hide glue, mahogany body, Indian rosewood board, '50s rounded Tom Murphy "C" neck shape. The guitar is in mint condition as a collection, all looks new, only has two very unobvious weather checking on the coating of the cut corner area of the body, but that's not a big deal because it's not a crack and you won't even notice it, please see the detail pictures.  

Weight: 3.87kg/8.53lb

Comes with the original Gibson case, COA and paperwork.

The shipping fee includes insurance.

We usually declare low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.