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近全新2020 PRS Custom 24 Piezo 10Top Wood Library River Blue Roasted Flame Maple Neck

NT$ 5,208.00

Wood Library Japan Edition是日本經銷商與美國PRS原廠特別訂購的限定版,這系列包括木材、顏色、Inlay、拾音器等都可以訂製,所以通常木紋、外觀與配置等都會來得比普通外銷版本更高級。

Custom24是PRS一直以來最受歡迎的系列,不只音色上出眾,外觀也相當華麗,顏色為少見的River Blue配色,搭配嚴選至少5A等級的Artist Flame 10Top超級虎紋楓木,這紋路甚至比許多Private Stock更好,並選配Gold Hardware金色配件,整體質感相當好。琴身為桃花心木,指板選配品質很高的黑檀木,琴頸選配Roasted AAA Flame Maple Pattern Thin Neck,經過特殊烘烤過的虎紋楓木琴頸,將水分完全烘乾,能使琴頸更加的穩固不易變形、更輕,也能讓音色共鳴更好,加上沒有額外上漆,手感極佳,彈奏也更滑順。原廠配置一組PRS 85/15 Pickups拾音器,共五段音色,清甜顆粒感十足的單線圈音色到出力突出的雙線圈破音都能勝任,除此之外,這是搭配了Piezo木吉他模擬系統的特別版Custom24 Wood Library,琴身擁有兩組輸入插孔,可以分別輸出電吉他音訊與木吉他音訊,也可以通過琴身上的3-way Piezo Selector相互切換與混合,是音色相當全面的一款PRS。

近全新展示琴,除了琴面有一處如圖不明顯的透明漆小敲痕以外,其餘幾乎全新。目前全新Custom24 10Top Wood Library抵台含稅至少22萬台幣,Guitar Shop Taiwan提供更優質的價格,有興趣的玩家們把握機會。

售價NT$168,000,附PRS原廠Case、證書、搖桿配件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。


2020 PRS Custom 24 Piezo 10Top Wood Library River Blue Roasted Flame Maple Neck. Custom built edition for Japan. It with AAAA artist flame top, roasted AAA flame maple pattern thin neck, PRS 85/15 pickups and gold hardware. The guitar is in excellent condition, only has very tiny dings on the top, which detail in the pictures, but other than that, the guitar is looks like new.

Comes with the original PRS case, tags and paperwork.

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare a low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.