夢幻逸品Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Collector's Choice CC#22 Tommy Colletti Custom Aged Ebony
Collector's Choice是號稱地球上最接近真正Vintage Gibson的系列,將依然存在於收藏家手中的50-60年代Les Paul包括外觀、傷痕、音色、規格等完整復刻。CC琴款是多數Gibson收藏家們最夢寐以求收藏的型號,也是Gibson最頂級的復刻系列,用料與音色都經過嚴格檢驗,原廠採用3D儀器檢測,從使用痕跡、傷痕與木材和拾音器等都完全複製,音色可說是完全沒有缺陷,也是Gibson量產琴中收藏性最高的系列之一。
2015年製,全球限量300支,復刻於美國The Music Zoo老闆Tommy Colletti手中編號9 0984的1959 Les Paul Custom,以最高等級True Historic復刻系列為基礎,比起過去琴款更精細的複製技術與更完美的音色,從最頂級的木料、色漆、黏膠、配件等都和以往的Reissue完全不同,讓任何細節都盡可能接近原琴,加上經典的Black Beauty黑美人配色,相當漂亮。琴頸為Soft “V” Neck Profile,握起來非常舒適,原廠搭配一組三顆Cutsombucker,中段有著和前後段完全不同的輸出,造就更多元的音色,就如Jimmy Page所提過,Black Beaut是他認為最好的Les Paul之一。官方全新定價為美金$9,199,約台幣二十九萬,Guitar Shop團隊提供更划算的價格,有興趣的買家把握機會。
售價NT$210,000,全新收藏品,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款。
2015 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Collector's Choice CC#22 Tommy Colletti Custom Aged Ebony. Guitar is in mint condition.
Come with original Gibson hard case, original paper work and COA.
Now that Gibson's late-'50s Les Pauls are the most desirable guitars on earth, it's all too easy to forget that Gibson had an entire catalogue of different models at the time, many of which were much more commercially successful than the eventual undisputed "holy grail" of electric solid body guitars.
Gibson Custom's latest addition to its Collector's Choice series is a bold reminder that there were absolute gems being handcrafted by Gibson in '59, and that they didn't all have a sunburst finish and figured maple top.
Introducing Collector's Choice #22 Tommy Colletti's 1959 Les Paul Custom "Black Beauty", a very precise replica of the original owned by Tommy (owner of The Music Zoo in New York and longtime Gibson Custom Shop Dealer), featuring True Historic Finish processes and build techniques. Each one of this very limited run of guitars (up to 300 worldwide) has a True Historic Vintage Lamp Black finish and sports double-carved and hand-sanded top and neck profiles taken directly from the original via digital scanning.