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夢幻逸品Gil Yaron 1959 Burst Replica Aged Lemon Burst

NT$ 0.00

這是一支比Gibson官方製作的1959 Les Paul Reissue更接近元年琴的Les Paul Burst Replica,來自以色列的知名製琴師Gil Yaron一直專精於復刻Gibson與Fender黃金年代的元年吉他,並累積多年的經驗與技術,將Les Paul Burst細節複製到如此精確,而他製作複製琴,在市面上被廣泛認為是最好的,除了琴身本體用了真正的庫存六十年以上的Old-growth Mahogany、Maple Top與Brazilian Rosewood Fretboard巴西玫瑰木指板,細節還包括了真正的老式線材與和50年代相同的黏膠漆料、金屬零件材質、塑料零件等,拾音器為Yaron親自纏繞的手工PAF Humbuckers。我們公司擁有兩支Gibson 1958與1959元年琴,相比較下,Gil Yaron製作的Les Paul Replica是我們接觸過音色取向幾乎一樣的複制琴,擁有極佳的反應、共鳴與乾爽的音色,感甚至能用比真正原年琴更完美來形容。而Gil Yaron製作的吉他因引來Gibson版權警告,所以從2015年後就已停產並不再製作,如果想擁有一支真正有著元年音色的Les Paul Burst,但又不想花費數千萬台幣,Gil Yaron Les Paul Replica絕對是最佳首選。

附原廠Case與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款。

Super rare... If you are looking for a real burst but lack the $500K, Gil Yaron '59 replica is the best choice. Old-growth lightweight Mahogany body and neck, Madagascar RW fingerboard with perfect 59 neck shape. Yaron humbuckers PAF and repro bumblebee caps, NOS wiring. 3.58kg/7.89lb of rare lightweight, sounds really vintage, we have to compare with our 8-5386 Moon Burst and 9-1228 Sandy, Gil Yaron just like a real Burst! even better... Gil ceased production of these '59 burst replica, there will be no more. Guitar is in excellent condition as collection, no wear on the frets.

Comes with the original hard case and invoice from Gil Yaron.

* Full spec '59 burst
* Madagascar RW board
* 100% exact 50's PAF pu's
* Correct circuit with CTS pots and repro BB caps
* Correct Celluloid Nitrate inlays
* Correct 6/4 Nylon nut
* Correct binding
* Average flamed maple top
* Lightweight old growth Mahogany
* Correct hardware and plastics
* CAB M69 rings