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Original 1955 Gibson Les Paul Junior owend by Joe Bonamassa

NT$ 665,000.00

Gibson Les Paul Junior是Gibson在50至60黃金年代的代表作之一,Les Paul Junior系列發表於1954年,這是第一款沒有楓木Top的Les Paul,起初這個型號是專為初學者或預算有限的玩家所設計的,與其他款昂貴型號使用了相同的木頭,售價只有當時Goldtop的一半,經濟實惠,而簡約的設計使得它重量非常輕巧,但卻不失該有的品質,玩家們發現Junior只需要一顆P90拾音器與一個音量、音調旋鈕,就能使音色更加敏感、動態更好,更能創造出出色的音色,這使得推出後的第二年成為了Gibson公司最受歡迎的型號,1955年Les Paul Junior總共被生產了2839支,被玩家們廣泛使用,為Gibson公司帶來了空前的成功。

這是一支具有歷史意義的吉他,前琴主為美國知名藍調搖滾吉他手Joe Bonamassa所有,能從琴身上的所有細節感受到真正老琴的味道,它與目前市價上千萬台幣的Les Paul Standard Burst相同,使用的是七十年以上樹齡的老桃花心木,使得鋼弦與琴身完美共振,擁有特別乾爽、空靈的音色,這是現代復刻琴難以比擬的。它有著非常經典的Cremona Sunburst、超過七十年的宏都拉斯桃花心木琴身與琴頸、巴西玫瑰木指板。與Les Paul Special配置的Soap bars P90不同,1956年前Les Paul Junior獨有的Dog ears P90被刻意設計得非常靠近Tailpiece,以獲得較明亮的音色來平衡桃花心木琴身較低沈的音色,這也使得Junior的音色更具有侵略性、更加的咆哮,在1960年代的搖滾與龐克音樂界大受歡迎。而這個P90拾音器獨特的位置設計直到1956年才被更改的更遠離Tailpiece。

整把琴保存狀況極佳,有著正常使用痕跡與該有的歷史痕跡,並沒有嚴重的大面積損傷或任何的琴頸維修紀錄。整支琴除了因為音準而更換的Kluson弦鈕(與原始規格相同,無額外孔洞)以外,琴身上的Speed Knobs、Tailpiece、Grey Tiger電容、未解焊過的Pots,皆為100%原裝,甚至連Nut與Fret都沒有被更換過,Fret約六成新,依然可正常的彈奏。

在這物價持續通膨的世代,收藏古董琴真的是最好的投資選擇,50年代的Les Paul依舊每年都在漲價,且能找到原汁原味、狀況又好並不容易,考慮到又有Joe Bonamassa的名人加持下,收藏價值與保值性極高,有興趣的收藏家們把握機會。

售價$665,000,附Gibson Case(非原始)、Joe Bonamassa本人親筆簽名證書與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。


The Gibson Les Paul Junior is one of the finest representations of Gibson's golden era in the 1950s. Released in 1954, the Les Paul Junior was the first model without a maple top. Initially designed for beginners or budget-conscious players, it was priced at only half the cost of the 1954 Goldtop, making it an affordable option. Its simple design made the guitar lightweight, yet it maintained high-quality standards, using the same wood as more expensive models. Players soon discovered that the Junior, with just one P90 pickup and a pair of volume and tone knobs, could deliver exceptional tones, making it Gibson’s most popular model by the following year. In 1955, 2,839 Les Paul Juniors were produced, gaining widespread use and bringing unprecedented success to Gibson.

This guitar holds significant historical value, having been owned by the renowned American blues-rock guitarist Joe Bonamassa. The craftsmanship reflects the detail and character of a true vintage guitar. It shares the same 70-year-old Honduran mahogany used in the Les Paul Standard Burst, valued at over a million US dollars today. The guitar produces a particularly dry and glass tone, offering a powerful resonance between the strings and the body that modern reissue guitars cannot replicate. It features the iconic Cremona Sunburst finish, over 70 years Honduran mahogany for the body and neck, and a Brazilian rosewood fretboard. Unlike the Les Paul Special’s soap bar P90 pickup configuration, the pre-1956 Les Paul Junior's unique Dog Ear P90 pickup was deliberately placed close to the tailpiece to produce a brighter tone that balances the naturally darker sound of the mahogany body. This design gave the Junior its aggressive and roaring tone, which became a favorite in the rock and punk scenes of the 1960 to 1970s. The pickup position was changed in 1956, moving further away from the tailpiece.

This particular guitar is in excellent condition, very rare, showing signs of normal wear and the expected historical markings but without significant damage. Aside from the Kluson tuners, which were replaced to maintain tuning accuracy (matching the original specifications), the Speed Knobs, tailpiece, Grey Tiger capacitor, and never desoldered pots are all 100% original. Even the nut and frets have never been replaced, with the frets approximately 60% remaining but still in playable condition.

In an era of ongoing inflation, vintage guitars represent one of the best investment choices. Finding an all-original, well-preserved Gibson from the 1950s is no easy task, so you should seize this opportunity.

Includes Gibson case (non-original) and a certificate of authenticity personally signed by Joe Bonamassa.