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Vintage 1963 Gibson ES-330TDC Cherry Red with Vintage PAT Pickups

NT$ 6,169.00

ES-330的歷史可以追朔到1936年,當時Gibson發表了他們第一款Spanish Electric Archtop Guitar ES-150西班牙拱形吉他,搭配了一組單線圈拾音器,而ES就是Spanish Electric的縮寫。時間到了1938年,價格更低廉的ES-100(ES-125)取代了ES-150,隨後更推出頂級的ES-250與ES-300。而Gibson在ES系列創下銷售佳績,而電吉他也在此年代開始成為主流的彈奏樂器,在二次大戰後Gibson開始對ES電吉他的設計做更改與加強,1948年除了原始就有的ES-125、ES-150、ES-300以外,Gibson首次增加了雙P-90拾音器在ES系列上,這一做法讓電吉他有了史無前例的創新,而Gibson當年的總裁Ted McCarty更是將ES-175、Super 400、L-5等當年熱銷的空心電吉他也都增加了雙P-90拾音器。1952年,Gibson正式推出了他們第一款搭配雙P-90拾音器的Les Paul Goldtop實心電吉他,隨後幾年陸續推出了Junior與Custom,而在1954年,Gibson的電吉他銷量首次超過了空心吉他。


這是首批1963年推出的ES-330,也就是ES-330最有價值的年份,整整六十年的老琴,琴盒打開的瞬間,元年琴獨特且濃烈的木頭香味撲鼻而來。整把琴的漆面與琴頸狀況極佳,楓木琴身、桃花心木琴頸、巴西玫瑰木指板,拾音器已由原始的P-90升級為Gibson 1960年代的Patent Number Pickups(PAT)雙線圈拾音器(neck reads 7.3K/bridge reads 7.4K),這組拾音器生產於1962至1974年,構造與1950年末的PAF類似,之所以稱為PAT差別在於1961年Gibson雙線圈已取得專利號,所以拾音器後方會有著Patent No 2,737,842的專印號貼紙,而不是PAF的Patent Applied For貼紙,目前60年代擁有專印號貼紙的PAT拾音器一組在市場上價格可高達十幾萬,非常有價值。Fret約剩五成,但依然可舒適彈奏,沒有任何彈奏上的困題,音色Q且甜美,非放置50年以上的老木頭很難達到這種元年琴令人癡迷的音色。VR與電容皆為原廠,也保留著原廠琴盒,弦鈕已更換成穩定性更好的Grover Tuner,ABR-1琴橋與Trapeze Tailpiece皆非原廠,因拾音器由P90改裝為雙線圈所以有加大琴面上的拾音器木頭孔位,且有額外的螺絲孔位,其中後段接近琴橋的兩顆螺絲是固定於拾音器蓋上並沒有鎖在木頭上,以上外觀皆看不出來,反應於價格上。


售價NT$199,000,附原始Case與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

Here is an incredible vintage 1963 Gibson ES-330TDC Cherry Red. It comes with the original maple body, mahogany neck, Brazilian rosewood fretboard, pots and capacitances. The Grover tuner, ABR-1 bridge and the trapeze tailpiece are not original. The pickups has been updated to the Patent Number Humbucker Pickups(PAT) with the black and white jumper wires on the end of the coils from 1965 to 1974. The neck reads 7.3K/bridge reads 7.4K. These pickups have a very high value in the market nowadays. The humbucking pickup's patent had not yet been granted, so the pickups featured "Patent Applied For" stickers. Once the patent was granted in July 1959, they shifted to using the "Patent No 2,737,842" stickers. There are some extra screw holes under the pickup cover, and two screws near the bridge are not working, just fixed on the pickup cover. The cutting traces of the pickup cavity is not too smooth (The pat pickup size is over P90.) but it can hardly see if the cover is not removed, so that's why the price is lower, the normal price is 9k to 12k in the market. But the finish is in very good condition, there are some weather checking, scratches and dings on the finish but you can't believe it's a 60-year-old guitar. The fret is in 50% as good condition, it still can easy and feel comfortable with play, no issue with the neck. The sound is incredible, sweet and vintage, and smells great when you open the case...

Comes with an original case.

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare a low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.