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2003 PRS Dragon 2002 Singlecut Limited Edition Black Cherry

$ 0.00

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Dragon 2002是PRS於2002年推出的第五代Dragon限量紀念琴,全球限量100支,由當年PRS最高級部門製作,相當於現今的Private Stock,這是PRS第一次推出Single Cut Body的吉他,也是Dragon系列中唯一一款Single Cut。Dragon系列是PRS歷年最具有意義的頂級指標性琴款,PRS創辦人Paul Reed Smith提到:"當我十幾歲的時候,我曾夢見過吉他的琴頸上長著一條龍,而我在1992年時第一次實現了這個夢想,也就是當年推出的第一代Dragon,這也成為了我們PRS慶祝技術發展歷史中相當重要的一環。

回顧每一代的PRS Dragon系列,這款2002年的Dragon絕對是PRS迄今為止最具有侵略性的鑲嵌作品,與知名鑲嵌工藝公司「Pearl Works」合作,共272塊天然鑲嵌物零件,以純手工鑲嵌,貫穿琴身至指板,使整把琴具有相當霸氣的3D視覺衝擊力,其中使用了12種不同種類的貝殼、5種石頭、甚至還有乳齒象牙化石,而仔細觀察琴面上的乳齒象化石,會發現它們還經過精細的雕刻與配色,使牙齒看起來更加立體真實,要知道PRS琴面是有弧度的,鑲嵌除了非常耗時以外也需要高超的技術,如此精細的手工藝術完美的呈現在吉他上。除了琴身上精細的鑲嵌工藝以外,用料也選用高級木材,整支琴頸與指板為目前CITES公約禁止砍伐的巴西玫瑰木,彈奏相當舒適、順手,觸感一流,琴身為嚴選的桃花心木。

The Dragon 2002 is the fifth-generation limited edition commemorative guitar introduced by PRS in 2002. Only 100 units were produced worldwide, crafted by PRS's highest-level department, equivalent to today's Private Stock division. It has PRS's first venture into the Single Cut Body design and remains the only Single Cut model in the Dragon series. The Dragon series is the most significant and iconic high-end line of guitars in PRS's history. Paul Reed Smith, the founder of PRS, mentioned, "When I was in my teens, I dreamt of a dragon on the neck of a guitar, and in 1992, I made that dream a reality with the first generation Dragon. It became an essential part of our celebration of technological milestones in PRS's history."

Looking back at each generation of the PRS Dragon series, the 2002 Dragon model is undoubtedly the most aggressive and visually striking inlay work created by PRS to date. Collaborating with the renowned inlay company "Pearl Works," a total of 272 pieces of natural inlay components were meticulously handcrafted and integrated from the body to the fretboard. This creates a commanding 3D visual impact on the guitar, incorporating 12 different types of shells, 5 types of stones, and even fossilized ivory. The fossilized ivory on the guitar face showcases intricate carving and coloration, giving the teeth a three-dimensional and lifelike appearance. It's important to note that PRS guitar faces are curved, making the inlay process time-consuming and requiring exceptional craftsmanship. Such exquisite handmade artistry is perfectly presented on the guitar. In addition to the intricate inlay work on the body, high-quality materials were used throughout. The entire neck and fretboard are made of Brazilian rosewood, a wood species protected by the CITES convention, providing exceptional playability, comfort, and a top-notch tactile experience. The body is crafted from carefully selected mahogany.