2005 Zemaitis S24 RD Red Eye Dragon First Limited Edition
皆為本公司多年收藏,無對外販售。For display only. Not for sale.
這是2010年日本製造的第一代Zemaitis,目前已全面停產,這是當時等級最高的型號,每一支都是完全手工製作的,琴面上有著手工雕刻的龍,與現在新款的Zemaitis不同,當時採用了宏都拉斯玫瑰木與最高等級的黑檀木等奢華材料製作,而這時期的琴款也被稱作是最近接品牌創始人Tony Zemaitis的產品,除了選用最頂級的木料製作,琴身上配件大部分採用硬鋁材質來減輕重量與減少多餘的雜訊干擾,這樣的方式能讓音色更加清晰,對於延音也有極大的幫助。
This is the previous generation Zemaitis that was manufactured in Japan during the 2000s period. It was the highest-end model of Zemaitis at that time and is currently completely discontinued, making it difficult to find in the market. Guitars made during this period are also known as the closest products to the brand's founder Tony Zemaitis. Each guitar is completely handcrafted, the hard aluminum on the guitar body top features intricately hand-carved dragon. Unlike the current new models of Zemaitis, rare and luxurious materials such as Honduras Mahogany and the highest-grade ebony were used at that time. Zemaitis also exclusively created a silver-plated string board and hand-crafted solid duralumin tailpiece, allowing the strings to transmit to the body more stably, making the sound more resonant and the sustain more enduring.