2011 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Reissue R9 Duane Allman Burst VOS
2011年製VOS版,日本限定版,由日本經銷商特別訂製與Duane Allman 1959 Les Paul "Hot lanta"的相同配色,琴身上緣的黑色漸層中帶著紅色隱約透露出3A的虎紋,非常耐看。琴身為桃花心木與玫瑰木指板,琴頸為'59 Neck Profile,握起來相當舒適。全琴無改,原廠配置一組拆蓋的Gibson Burstbucker拾音器,音色高頻多,出力大。而除了配色與1959 Les Paul "Hot lanta"相同以外,也採用一樣的Grover弦鈕,穩定性更高。整體九成新,配件齊全,些許正常使用痕跡與小敲痕,有一處較大的敲傷如圖,在琴身後方邊緣處,Frets約九成新。目前全新的R9售價超過台幣二十萬,有興趣的玩家們把握收藏機會。
售價NT$146,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。
2011 Gibson Custom Shop 1959 Reissue R9 VOS with Duane Allman Burst. This is a special order from Japan, the "Hot lanta" burst, lots of red in this darkburst, It has stunning hiding flame. Guitar is in very good condition, has some dings and scratches.
Comes with the original Gibson Custom Shop hard case, paperwork and COA.