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全新2022 Gibson Custom Shop Murphy Lab 1957 Les Paul Goldtop Light Aged-All Gold

NT$ 208,000.00

2022年製造,七十週年紀念款,這是Gibson Custom Shop於2021年推出的全新舊化系列,由Gibson傳奇技師Tom Murphy帶領的全新部門「Murphy Lab」,採用獲得專利的全新化學技術所製作,使外觀看起來更像是一把真正彈奏數十年的老吉他。Murphy Lab共有四款舊化等級,由輕度舊化至重度舊化分別為Ultra Light、Light、Heavy、Ultra Heavy Aged,有別於以往Murphy Aged完全刀刻製作的舊化,Murphy Lab團隊對1950至1960年代初黃金時期所使用的原漆進行逆向工程的科學研究,大部分利用熱破壞方式讓表面透明漆產生自然的Weather Checking裂紋,使整體舊化呈現的更加自然,更像是因為年代所自然產生,能夠由吉他的氛圍感受到時間的流逝。

和常見的Ultra Light Aged版本不同,此Light Aged是中度舊化的版本,也是Murphy Lab一系列中最少見、產量也最少的版本,除此之外,這是Gold Top中極為罕見的All Gold Edition,也就是連琴背都上了金漆,此版本在網路上連照片都很難見到。比起Ultra Light Aged的輕微裂痕,Light Aged版本的整支琴就像是經歷過使用的1957年Goldtop一樣,表漆佈滿自然裂痕以外還多了磨損,舊化更加的明顯。Murphy Lab採用全新升級改版最高復刻規格,這是被原廠譽為是Gibson最好、最復古的規格,且在市場上的評價相當高,改版後的復刻系列加入了多年來Collector's Choice與True Historic頂規系列的研究成果,從3D掃描的Top弧度以及琴頸規格和利用化學重建的塑膠料件,當然也包含了近年來一直使用的Hide Glue。

桃花心木琴身、Indian Rosewood指板,琴頸規格為Chunky C-profile Neck,原廠配置美國Luxe製作的Bumblebee大黃蜂油質電容,搭配上全新升級的復古線路,一組無浸蠟處理的Custombucker Alnico III Unpotted等,原廠認為這樣能使整體氛圍與音色都能更加的接近真正的元年Les Paul Standard,而實際上也完全正確,這款Murphy Lab終極舊化系列,擁有了以往Reissue系列所沒有的獨特音色,中高低頻相當平衡,豐富乾淨又俐落,音色上更多了"空靈感",在市場上大獲好評。目前Murphy Lab 1957 Les Paul Goldtop Light Aged在美國全新售價為每斤$6,499,抵台含稅至少落在台幣24萬左右,Guitar Shop Taiwan提供更優質的價格,有興趣的玩家們把握機會。

售價NT$208,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書配件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款(刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。


2022 Gibson Custom Shop Murphy Lab 1957 Les Paul Goldtop Light Aged-All Gold Edition. The guitar is in brand new condition.

Weight: 4.05kg/8.93lb

From Gibson Custom:

Gibson Custom Shop is the pinnacle of craftsmanship, quality, and sound excellence. Each instrument celebrates Gibson's legacy through accuracy, authenticity and attention to detail.

The iconic '57 Goldtop has been the tool of choice for countless guitar heroes. Its elegant gold finish, classic solid mahogany/maple construction and versatile humbucking pickups represent everything one could possibly need in a Les Paul™ model. This authentic recreation exemplifies Gibson Custom Shop's tireless quest for accuracy to the original year of production, from the woods to the construction to the parts and precise contours throughout. Each Custom Shop Reissue is every bit the instrument and statement piece as the priceless vintage examples, providing an ownership experience that is endlessly fun. It also features Light Aging by the skilled artisans of the Murphy Lab. The Murphy Lab Light Aged finish treatment, paired with lightly aged hardware, simulates decades of natural play wear, giving it the unique character, vibe, and feel of an original example from the Gibson Golden Era.  

Comes with the original Gibson case, COA and paperwork.

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare a low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.