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全新2023 Gibson Custom Shop Kirk Hammett “Greeny” 1959 Les Paul Standard Murphy Lab Replica

NT$ 699,000.00

Murphy Lab是Gibson Custom Shop於2021年推出的全新舊化系列,由Gibson傳奇技師Tom Murphy帶領的全新部門「Murphy Lab」,採用獲得專利的全新化學技術所製作,使外觀看起來更像是一把真正彈奏數十年的老吉他,有別於以往Murphy Aged完全刀刻製作的舊化,Murphy Lab團隊對1950至1960年代初黃金時期所使用的原漆進行逆向工程的科學研究,大部分利用熱破壞方式讓表面透明漆產生自然的Weather Checking裂紋,使整體舊化呈現的更加自然,更像是因為年代所自然產生,能夠由吉他的氛圍感受到時間的流逝。

喜愛Gibson的玩家們都知道,Gibson Custom於2010年發表的第一款全球限量的Collector's Choice #1 “Greeny”是目前全CC系列漲幅最高、最稀有、最多玩家追捧的琴款,復刻於已故藍調大師Gary Moore最知名編號9-2208的1959 Les Paul Standard。"Greeny"被全球Les Paul愛好者們稱之為「聖杯」,這是一支傳奇並富有指標性的Les Paul Burst,經歷過三任傳奇吉他手,起初為Peter Green擁有,所以取名為”Greeny”,這支琴在70年代時轉售給了Gary Moore,成了Gary Moore全盛時期的使用的主要琴款,在Gary Moore離世後,這支琴輾轉到了Metallica金屬製品吉他手Kirk Hammett手中,至今仍在Metallica的各大演唱會上演奏。

時間來到2020年,Gibson Custom與Kirk Hammett計畫以目前最高等級的復刻系列Murphy Lab再次復刻Greeny,並將原琴送至美國田納西州納什維爾的Gibson Custom經由3D掃描等一系列的前置作業,歷經兩年,並於2022年11月以僅僅50支超級限量的方式推出搭配巴西玫瑰木指板的第一版本,要價$50,000美金,並只限於全美境內販售,但目前市場上轉手價格已高達美金$75,000至$85,000。而2023年推出了此不僅限美國境內販售的印度玫瑰木版本,和2022年第一版相比,除了指板上的玫瑰木產地不同以外,外觀與所有的舊化細節幾乎沒有太大的差異,但卻只需一半的售價,非常超值。

整支琴由Murphy Lab團隊打造,經過了嚴格的精細製作,並確保所有細節忠於原琴,以舊化細膩程度來說,這已是第一代CC#1無法比擬的,完整複製了原琴的所有規格、配色、零件與使用傷痕,當然也有原琴曾經斷頸修復的痕跡、背帶釘重新鑽孔的位置等也完整重現,色澤也更佳接近原琴。

特選桃花心木琴身、印度玫瑰木指板,琴頸規格為特製的Custom 1959 Greeny Neck Profile,琴面挑選接近原琴的虎紋楓木,原廠配置美國Luxe製作的Bumblebee大黃蜂油質電容,搭配上全新升級的復古線路與一組複製原琴拾音器數值的Custom Greeny Humbucker Alnico 2 Magnet PAF,而前段與Greeny原琴相同,採用out-of-phase方式安裝,使中段的出力減弱、鼻音濃厚,相當有特色,當然也有和原琴相同的Sperzel弦鈕。Murphy Lab終極舊化系列,擁有了以往Reissue系列所沒有的獨特音色,中高低頻相當平衡,豐富乾淨又俐落,音色上更多了"空靈感",在市場上大獲好評。這是Gibson有史以來最經典的Les Paul復刻琴,且目前發售數量不多,三月份發表後目前在市場轉手價已高達美金$24,000,Guitar Shop Taiwan團隊獨家引進,有興趣的收藏家們把握機會。

售價NT$699,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書配件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款(刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

2023 Gibson Custom Shop Kirk Hammett “Greeny” 1959 Les Paul Standard Murphy Lab Replica. It has a beautiful flame top similar to an original Greeny and a light-weight body.

The guitar is in brand-new condition.

Comes with an original COA, case candy and paperwork.

Weight: 3.85kg/8.49lb

The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare a low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.

From Gibson Custom:

Three Legendary Guitarists, One Legendary Guitar
Gibson Custom Shop is the pinnacle of craftsmanship, quality, and sound excellence. Each instrument celebrates Gibson's legacy through accuracy, authenticity, and attention to detail.

The story of “Greeny” is shrouded in mystery, but few guitars are as illustrious. Greeny is one of the most iconic original Les Paul Standards ever made, with a unique sound as recognizable as the guitar itself. Previously owned by Peter Green, it was used throughout his time with Fleetwood Mac and later sold to Gary Moore, who used it for three decades with Thin Lizzy and as a solo artist. Now owned by Kirk Hammett, Greeny has passed through the hands of three legendary guitarists. Its distinctive sound is partly from the out-of-phase middle switch position due to the neck pickup’s reversed magnetic polarity. The Kirk Hammett "Greeny" 1959 Les Paul Standard from the Gibson Custom Shop is artfully aged to match the original by the Murphy Lab and was inspired by this legendary guitar. With its Indian rosewood fretboard, it gives players around the world the opportunity to experience some of the magic of "Greeny" for themselves. A brown/pink Lifton™ reissue 5-latch case is also included.

* Lightweight Mahogany Body with Figured Maple Top
* Mahogany Neck with Indian Rosewood Fretboard
* Custom Greeny Bucker with Flipped Alnico 2 Magnet; Reverse Mounted Neck Pickup
* Custom Greeny Bucker Alnico 2 Magnet Bridge Pickup
* Brown/Pink Lifton Reissue 5-Latch Hard Case