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Gibson Custom Shop 1959 R9 Collector’s Choice CC#8 "The Beast"

NT$ 8,308.00


 Collector's Choice 1959是號稱地球上最接近正1959 Gibson的系列,多數Gibson收藏家們最夢寐以求收藏的型號,CC琴款的用料與音色都經過嚴格檢驗,原廠採用3D儀器檢測,從使用痕跡、傷痕與木材和拾音器等都完全複製,音色可說是完全沒有缺陷,也是Gibson量產琴中收藏性最高的系列之一。

 目前市面上最稀有少見的CC莫過於#1 #2 #4 #8,而#8 "The Beast''是Gibson在2012年發表的CC系列,全球限量300把,復刻於Bernie Marsden手中編號9-1914的1959 Les Paul,原廠搭配一組Burstbucker #2 #3拾音器,CC#8是許多玩家公認前幾代CC音色最為黏密,共鳴最好聽的一款。後期新款的CC每一把新品也都超過台幣三十萬,導致前期的這幾款CC飆漲,收藏價值也更高,目前在市場上許多賣家開價已經接近三十萬台幣,CC#8 "The Beast''目前在市場上能見度相當低,保值性與收藏價值甚高,Guitar Shop團隊更嚴格挑選的品質,更划算的價格,有興趣的買家把握機會。

 售NT$268,000,附Gibson原廠Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop專屬保固卡,一年保固與免費保養,歡迎刷卡、分期付款。

 Gibson Custom Shop Collector’s Choice CC#8 "The Beast" Bernie Marsden, 2013 limited run of 300, super rare! guitar is in 9.5/10 as excellent condition.

 Come with original Gibson Custom Shop case as well as all the original paperwork, hang tags with serial number, and COA.

 This is the chance to get your '59 Reissue CC#8, you already know they were a very popular and only 300 made, don't miss it!

 We can write an invoice with a low value if necessary.

 US$ 9,100 include shipping and insurance, ship via EMS, accept the bank wire or Paypal as the payment method.