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2008 Gibson Custom Shop Inspired by Slash Les Paul VOS

NT$ 298,000.00

全球限量400支,2008年Gibson Custom Shop與Slash共同推出的第一款復刻琴,400支VOS版本與150支Aged版本,復刻於Guns N' Roses槍與玫瑰吉他手Slash手中編號81757532的1987 Les Paul Standard。和原琴相同的三片式Top、Cherry褪色後的經典Hudson Burst,原廠甚至選用與原琴正面左下方木紋印記類似的木料製作。原廠配置一組和原琴相同的Seymour Duncan Alnico Pro-II Pickups,出力大、顆粒飽滿,Neck尺寸為接近60s的特規Custom Slash Profile。

1987年Slash向Gibson原廠購買了兩支相同配色的Standard,其中序號81757532陪伴Slash多年的演出,也參與了槍與玫瑰於1987年第一張專輯最經典的Sweet child o’ mine MV,而序號81607535卻在1999年於在家中遭竊,也因如此,這把1987年的Standard成了Slash最珍惜的其中一支吉他,而這款也是Slash目前在巡迴演唱會上最常出現的一支琴。2008 Inspired by Slash Les Paul Standard是Slash琴款中相當經典又受歡迎的系列,而其中舊化親筆簽名版本目前在市場上甚至開價超過台幣一百萬,收藏價值與保值性非常高。整體九成五新,有些許非常不明顯的小敲痕與使用痕跡,甚至拍攝不太出來,整體狀況保持的非常好,Fret約九成新,有興趣的玩家們把握收藏機會。

售價$328,000,附Gibson原廠Slash Case、證書文件與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

2008 Gibson Custom Shop Inspired by Slash Les Paul VOS. Only 400 in the run. The guitar is in excellent condition, has some unobvious little scratches but very difficult to shoot, all look clean, the fret is in 90% condition.


The shipping fee includes insurance. We usually declare low value on the shipping invoice and the insurance will follow the full value of the goods.

From Gibson Custom:

Gibson Custom Shop’s Inspired By Slash Les Paul Standard restores Slash’s No. 1 guitar—one of two Les Pauls he received from Gibson in 1988—to the way it was just before he used it to make musical history. “This is the replica of the original 1988 Les Paul I had before I beat the hell out of it,” Slash says. “It’s sort of a trip for me to see it because it looks actually like the guitar after I had it refinished in 1988. This is what it looked like when it was brand new.” Slash’s beloved Les Paul made its debut on the lengthy tour to support Guns N’ Roses’ seminal first album Appetite for Destruction. The two-year tour began in clubs and small theaters and ended in stadiums, and at every stop Slash used his Les Paul to redefine the role of guitar hero and reintroduce hard rock to its raw and rebellious roots. With a pair of Seymour Duncan Alnico II Pro pickups and the gentle aging of Gibson Custom’s Vintage Original Spec series, one of the most legendary guitars of all time has been restored to its original glory, complete with a Heritage Cherry Sunburst finish, faded to perfection. Crafted of the finest woods, the guitar is made of a carved maple top, one-piece mahogany back, and rosewood fingerboard. Each Inspired By Slash comes with a Gibson Custom Shop case and Certificate of Authenticity.