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QUESTREL SWOOD Standard Gloss Black

NT$ 6,665.00

QUESTREL是來自日本宮城縣女川町的手工製琴品牌,從木料取得和所有製成都是在日本當地純手工打造,選用日本當地木頭,這樣的做法,能讓原廠在取得木頭時的質地挑選一直到溼度等都能自行控管。SWOOD系列由知名工業設計師「奧山清行」設計,奧山清行曾擔任過GM集團首席設計師,設計過多輛Porsche與Ferrari,其中以設計Ferrari Enzo最為出名。這是一支透過創新的概念所開發的吉他,日本赤楊木與楓木打造,琴身採用金屬材料Cobarion作為主結構再用兩塊木頭正反鑲坎做成琴身的吉他,顛覆了傳統製琴的方式,而Cobarion是今年日本東北大學研發出來全新的金屬材料,高延展性,強度與耐磨性更高,用於吉他製作可以增加了音色的銳利度與清晰度,加強延音與共振,也能讓琴身更加穩定。整個琴身和Neck都沒有使用傳統的螺絲和木膠,採用的都是日本傳統的木頭鑲崁技術,透過琴弦的張力隨著時間會讓整支吉他所有的接合點更加緊密。此外Fret與Neck經由PLEK完成,在穩定性與音準會更加精細。SWOOD系列共四色,非別為黑、白、藍、紅、綠四色可選。

售價NT$215,000,附QUESTREL原廠Case、證書與Guitar Shop Taiwan專屬保固卡。本公司商品都經過嚴格檢驗與專業調整,一年保固、免費保養與完整的售後服務,安全有保障。歡迎刷卡、分期付款 (刷卡與分期服務僅限線上)。

Ultimate Sharp Sound

SWOOD pursues both “Clearness and Heaviness” of the sound by maximizing the element of sound. Those two elements generate the outstanding sound and performance, and the picking feel reflect to the sound keenly. SWOOD enhance the player’s sensitivity to be ultimately sharpened.

Ultimate Sharp Style

In pursuit of the innovative concept and functional beauty of a guitar, SWOOD achieves novel and highly sophisticated appearance. As music trend changes, the guitarists’ expression style also changes. SWOOD goes beyond the trend and propose the cutting-edge expression.


The wood materials are made in Japan as those are quite durable

and creating pure sound. Since we select the wood at the logging
stage, we could maintain the high quality with the selected ones.

Tail Piece adopt special metal called COBARION® which is newly
developed by Tohoku University, Japan. It could minimize the dumping
of oscillation and maximize the sound elongation and fatness.


SWOOD apply new neck joint construction, applying Kesen-Daiku.

It means the unique carpenter method at Kesen district in Tohoku
region. Its century-old traditional technique is not to use of any metal
connecting part, but only combine the neck and body for assembling.
It creates higher sound clearness and tightness.


SWOOD apply new neck joint construction, applying Kesen-Daiku.

It means the unique carpenter method at Kesen district in Tohoku
region. Its century-old traditional technique is not to use of any metal
connecting part, but only combine the neck and body for assembling.
It creates higher sound clearness and tightness.